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Sunday, July 13, 2008

to nina;
girl,ur going thru a rough patch rite now.
i listened to wht u said,and i've already said my piece.
all i wan u to know is,no matter what happens,we'r still e same.
nothing has changed,only time has pass.
our frenship is a totally diff one.
its diff from wat others thought.
well,i might not know wat happened back then.
but now,we'r more matured than ever.
and whatever ur facing now,is something BIG.
u can face it alone,if u want to.
but wat r frens for?
especially us,tat have gone thru a lot since sch.
teachers,principals,whoever's in the offfice.
we spoke and explained lengthy to them,for whatever we did.
and im so used to it that whenever i see ur msn nick going somewhere near to probs,
i just cant help but ask.and then i try to help.
but u noe i cant meet u that often.and u too.since i already migrated.
so girl,listen to me,if u need us,tell us..
dun keep mum,coz silence kills.

ur girl,aying.

secrets .:. 9:16 PM
~ ` * ` ~

Thursday, May 29, 2008

alrite.herre are the details ok.

on 9th june,will be having an overnite stay @ hotel PLUS,clubbing all nite.
will be clubbing @ my bro's club.
wont mention which rite now.
and hotel stay.
choot baby.
1 havoc nite.
only once.

free flow tat nite.
my bro supervisor @ the club.
dun miss this opportunity nina.
anythin,msg me.

so far,few coming.
ther will b dress code honey.
coz its gonna be one HOT HOT HEAT NITE.

ohh yess.
hotter than prom.
hotter than ever.


secrets .:. 2:06 AM
~ ` * ` ~

Friday, June 8, 2007

secrets .:. 1:51 AM
~ ` * ` ~

hehe.we just finished our 7th ganja and 2 bottles of yakult.& we`re now coolness.healthy la kan?muahauhahaha.

so we skipped our f&n lesson just now and did all these mischievious things.its damn fun.me and neena were so addicted to it.missed it real much.& now it certainly satisfied our lust.hehe.ouhhhh.lalalalalalaalalaallalalaa...

after doing all that,our heads were heavy.okok,shant elaborate.why not,look at the pix urself aite?

signing off,
drunkard bitch.hahahahahhaa

secrets .:. 1:35 AM
~ ` * ` ~

Monday, June 4, 2007

haha...da lame sey tk blog..hmm...since ayingIGS and neenaIGS are busy wid thier blog...i'll be the one updating at tiz blog...(at least for the time being)

neway...hmm...let's recall wat IGS have been going tru for the paz 3 YEARS...shall we??...

sec 3:
here's wen the bonding gets closer! we wen to burger king and aying and neena came out wid tiz "prostitute bitches" thing...haha...can't elaborate on that...in tiz yr jgk la kite went to $1 shop or known as the value...haha!!!and guess wat??...we did our thing again...ape kite suke, kite angkat je..total brape korg??$50++ rite???haha...but for ur info..we didn't pay a single cent..also there's tiz one event where by freak was in it too...kedai sushi pon jdi mangse...tk sangke freak nie pon licit eh...haha!

sec 4:
OUH! nie byk nie...it was tiz yr that it became our habit/hobby to cabot skola i tink..first...during mrs toh lesson...we wen to mcd while the others are in sch suffering i guez..2nd tym was IGS prefer not to attend sch..and as always asyik kene tangkap je...but no matter wat...we grew stronger and stronger...we fight our way tru...

sec 5:
this is the best yr of all...early of the yr..we came to sch late..so...wat do u do if u're late??lmbt kan lagi kan??so we did juz that...we were simply too lazy to attend mr lee class and p.e so we wen to the toilet...find a nice spot...settle down n ate!mee goreng lagi!ouh ya!but b4 that it was the Valentine Day...we had our girls day at my place..had some girls talk...haha..the funny part was that...there was only 3 of us...but the food was like for 7-8 ppl's meals...in this yr jgk la...we cabot from sch (chinese new year)..and wen to Vivo City...Enjoyed ourselves there...laughed at the ppl who can't enter the cencor door...bcoz we were like in their position a minute b4 they came..

hmm...aku rase tu je la uat skrg...nga tkde idea nie...haha!!!boring kan ace bende yg so called repeated...so let's wait for the upcoming event instead la k?bye!

secrets .:. 10:43 PM
~ ` * ` ~

Friday, June 1, 2007

hello!! haha...act. aku tk tau pe nk blog...juz to tell IGS that it's been great having u guys for this 3 years of frenship and i felt that there isn't any regrets. Even though we know many talked and kept talking bout us...tpi tkpe la...what can i say...mayb we are simply too busy with our own life and have a better life than them...ntahla... kla...b4 aku start mengarot...aku rase i shall stop here.. no matter what...i really hope IGS stays together forever k?


secrets .:. 1:41 AM
~ ` * ` ~

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

hey2!im nurul ain or more known as ayingIGS.well,im epii to announce that this is our very first time posting a blog as threesome.and PROUD i must say.well basically,IGS stands for Invisible Girls In School.not International Gay Society like what u guys heard.hahaha.u have been punk`d la deyy!wahaha.

IGS has been together for almost three years now.thru ups and downs,thick and thins,we have been there.somehow,those obstacles we had to face in our friendship life has made us bond stronger and changed us for the better.though many still saw our flaws,we believed that,nobody is perfect.PFFT.

hehe.so please do not hesitate to send us your comments and tag us lah ok?love yoo guys truckloads.

secrets .:. 9:45 PM
~ ` * ` ~



we are the IGS
Ain Bakers aka AyingIGS.
-patiently waiting for muhd faqih muhd fakiruddin
-working @ Changi Airport
-loves mua new homme.HEE!

Nur Amalina Asmad aka NeenaIGS
-attached to Kai
-Republic Poly-Business Application

Nurul Aqidah Abd Quim aka HerrIGS
-attached to soccer player Lan
-Republic Poly-Business Application


blogging is our life. we couldn't live without her.
bacardi&vodka-OUR ADDICTION
weeds&ganja-OUR LUST
respective boyfrens-OUR EVERYTHING


we hate to crack our brain.
hate to die, to study, to boo-hoo-hoo, to blar.
hate to mendak!pipit mendak especially.kwang3!
i also hate, flirts, snatches, backstabbers, heartbreakers, playboys... so on.
Not to have too much hatred is good. You'll have more happiness.


Designed by jesmine lal

[Hush hush]


May 2007
June 2007
May 2008
July 2008